Postpartum Support Coaching

The space where mama community, postpartum support and infant sleep education come together to create a safe haven for all new mothers.


Within our support groups, guides, courses or in-person support you will find:



We were never meant to do this alone. Every new mother needs a tribe supporting her. Whether you’re looking for a mentor, “sister” or confidant to talk to, or looking for a larger community to connect to, you’ll find the solidarity that you’re looking for. Thriving Mamas Support Groups will be able to connect through collaboration, idea transfer and let’s be honest, commiseration. Create friendships that will last throughout the program and beyond.


Not only will you be able to ask questions pertaining to your unique parenting situation, but you will be able to get direct feedback on your daily schedule, naps, overnight sleep, individual questions and frustrations. We’ll explore topics and deep dives into subjects most important to you. We were never meant to do this alone.


We were never meant to do this alone. Truly. How is one supposed to know what to expect when there are so many differing opinions, methods and stigmas. Through evidenced based research, we’ll explore the progressions and skills developing within your little one. As a certified sleep consultant, we will begin to understand sleep training methods and work to choose the best option for your family. The takeaway, there is no wrong way to parent your child. But there IS a way to get ahead of the game and I’m here to help.


How you’ll feel

“Ali is a breath of fresh air! She provided me with so many amazing sleep tips and tricks and helped reinforce “mama intuition”. I would highly recommend her to any mo who wants extra guidance, whether it be your first or fifth time. It’s so nice to have someone in your corner!”

Sleep Support


Two Weeks of Sleep Coaching

Package Includes:

  • Full evaluation of your child’s unique sleep habits.

  • Custom Sleep Plan tailored to your child’s needs and temperament.

  • 1:1 Call or video conference to review methods chosen and plan of action.

  • Personalized daily schedule including naps, overnight sleep, and meals/nutrition as needed.

  • 2 weeks of follow up support and guidance with Ali (one on one support).

  • Closing call to answer any and all questions moving forward.

*Sleep plan includes age appropriate naptime/daytime schedules, naptime and bedtime routines, sleep environment, why independent sleep is important, how to instill independent sleep, how to handle naps, nap training (extend naps) and removing any sleep habits that are in place that are hindering independent sleep.

Thriving Mamas



A 10 day virtual group training for mamas and their babies 4 - 6 months old.

Class includes:

  • Deep dives into Sleep Training Techniques, Infant Temperament, Infant Development, Navigating Spousal/Partner Relationships, Purees + Baby Led Weaning and Wonder Week Leaps/Calendar and Skills.

  • Two hour Live ZOOM meeting with a certified sleep specialist to get your baby extending naps and (hopefully!) sleeping through the night.

  • One 2 hour Q+A Live ZOOM with Ali.

  • 1:1 feedback on your personal daily schedule.

  • 24 hour templates and sample schedules for your 4-6 month old baby and your family.

  • Free month of Materra Method platform.

  • Discounted future 1:1 sleep consultations.

  • Individual check-ins and 1:1 with Ali.

  • Ongoing friendships within a tight knit mama community (The group chat never ends!).

  • Acceptance into Thriving Mama’s private Facebook Group with Thriving Mamas Alumni.

Groups are limited to 10 - 15.

What People Are Saying


“I work in an OB office and have a lot of knowledge about pregnancy and what to expect. However, you have helped ease so much of my anxiety and fears simply by letting me know that I’m not alone. I feel like having the knowledge is important but do you ever really know until you experience is. …thank you for creating this platform.”

— Shelby H.

“Ali’s positivity and encouragement to all mamas is uplifting and a dose of what I need every day. I get helpful tips and tricks and even ideas on toys to get my little one all while feeling loved and supported. It’s the little things that she says and shares that make being a mom that much easier.”

— Laura D.

“Ali was so open to answering my many, many questions…sleep (or lack thereof), keeping your baby fed no matter the method, play and the B E S T routine - genius. She shows up to help moms. From someone who no longer has one, every mama I can get on my team is a treasure. Ali is relatable, open, honest, super funny, and is in it right along with us. I don’t believe in luck. We are all brought together for the purpose of making life better for each other. I highly recommend her to mamas with littles of all ages.”

— Malissa M.


Sleep Coaching

How is sleep coaching different than sleep training?

From the time we were little, we were paired with coaches to help us master certain skills. Think about your childhood. You may have had a sports coach, dance coach, speech coach, vocal coach. These coaches teach us the basics and hone into our natural abilities so that we can become the best we can be. Unfortunately, parenting doesn’t come with a manual - OR a specific coach - until now. As an expert in the field, I’m here to hold your hand through the newness of parenthood and guide you through the weeds as you go through it. Sleep training is a good mix of parental knowledge, confidence and consistency. A coach helps you stay on track, give you the best plan possible for the best outcome, thus instilling the confidence in you to do the very best for your family.

What is the best age to sleep train?

You’ll find differing opinions on this but in my opinion, there are definitely optimal times to instill independent sleep. You’ll want to wait until after 4 months of age (remember adjusted age if baby was a preemie) and get the “go ahead” from your pediatrician. Around 5-6 months is my favorite time to instill good sleep habits. Regardless, there is never a bad or wrong time to work on sleep with your child. Just make sure your baby isn’t battling illness, you aren’t traveling or having visitors and can be consistent with the plan we put in place.

is two years old too late to sleep train?

Absolutely not! Giving your children the gift of healthy sleep habits is ALWAYS possible. I’ve trained two year olds up to seven year olds. The methods we use change, but it is never too late.

do I have to leave my baby to cry?

No, you do not. This is a common misconception with sleep training, especially on social media. There is a method called “extinction” that means you close the door and don’t come back until the morning. Some parents choose this option and some children thrive this way. Others find other ways to sleep train that involve being physically close to their child and while it might take a little longer, it works equally as well as any other method. I’m a big fan of slower moving, connection building sleep training methods. My personal philosophy is rooted in connection with your child and I keep that in mind when building your sleep plan.

does sleep training work forever?

Nothing in life is inherently permanent. Not marriage. Not our bodies. Nothing. So in order for independent sleep to be solidified “forever”, there must be consistency and routine applied from the parents. In that case, you may have to reteach your children if you have strayed, but other than that it should be pretty ingrained!


Support Groups


How does group training work?

Postpartum women need support today more than ever before. And not just support from an expert, midwife or sleep trainer. New mamas need support from one another - other moms who are in the same exact phase as them. This is where Thriving Mamas Group Coaching was born. This group of 10 mamas and babies, with birthdays within the same month, will be grouped for 30 days to learn and grow together.

how will we communicate?

Using the secure and free text app Telegram, we will be able to talk, commiserate, ask questions and support one another as we go. We will utilize ZOOM for group video conferencing and will receive videos and printable content throughout the month.

What if I live outside of the usa?

We currently offer this program to families living within two hours of the Central Time Zone and those who can text through Telegram. *I hope to extend this program to Australia, New Zealand and Europe as soon as possible. If you’re from these countries and are interested in 1:1 training, please contact me directly.

how many women/babies in a group?

For Thriving Mamas Coaching, we will have about 10 mamas and babies born within a month of each other.

do I have to sleep train?

A large chunk of the month will focus on infant development and sleep education. We will learn the basics and foundation of biological infant sleep as well as the most effective methods used to teach your baby how to sleep. If you’re uninterested in this portion of the coaching program, feel free to sit this one out.

Is there a way to get a discount?

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